“At Laragon I have found a perfect balance between customer service, professional development and requirements analysis”.

Fernanda, a technical consultant at Laragon, has found in this company a space to develop professionally and explore her passion for technology. Graduada en Ingeniería en Tecnologías de la Información y Telecomunicaciones por la Universidad de La Salle (Chihuahua), lleva algo más de dos años en la empresa. In this interview, we delve into his world to discover how he combines his technical expertise with his passion for customer service and software development.

Question: Fernanda, tell us a little about yourself and your career at Laragon. What brought you to work at this company and what aspects of your job do you find most rewarding?

Answer: Since joining Laragon, I have found a perfect balance between customer service, professional development and requirements analysis. As a graduate in Information Technology and Telecommunications Engineering, I have always been interested in how technology can improve everyday life. At Laragon, I have the opportunity to apply my technical skills while working closely with customers to meet requirements. The most rewarding thing for me is to be able to see how my efforts have a direct impact on customer satisfaction and project success.

Q: What is the most exciting or satisfying aspect of your work as a technical consultant at Laragon?

A: I think the most satisfying thing is always to be able to solve the problems that come up unexpectedly when executing a configuration, the ones that make you search heaven, sea, earth, confluence and EMEA… as well as receiving positive feedback from customers at the end of a project.

Q: What is your biggest contribution to the team or project you are currently working on?

A: I think currently for requirements definitions, testing in development environments to explore alternatives for configurations. Running configurations in general and -currently- I’m learning how to do Upgrades, which motivates me a lot.

Q: Tell us about a challenging project you have worked on and how you approached it.

A: A challenging scenario could be when processes are not well defined at the outset. Such details usually always require a lot of creativity and fine-tuning of settings that can be quite extensive. I think in such cases I always try to work with patience, communicate to my star functional consultants any details that are detected and keep a positive mind.

Q: How do you handle pressure and stress when faced with tight deadlines or challenging project situations?

A: I use it especially in my non-working hours, as it helps me to keep in perspective that each thing has its own time in a daily routine. It also helps me to be aware that there is no deadline that will not be met, there will always come a time when a difficult stage will be behind us and the waters will return to calm. If you want a recommendation, I really like to listen to Lo-Fi music in the background while I work or soft rain sounds and when things are really intense, I sometimes play “white noise” in the background. Joking around with colleagues also helps to calm down, because you realise that you are not alone in your stress and they end up laughing a bit.